Check us out for all your skiining needs.
Published on July 31, 2004 By Skinartistry In Skinning
Hiya folks

This is the place to be...if you need a skinning tip, having a little problem you can't quite figure out or want an experienced skinner to check out your new creation, give us a shout here and we'll do our best to get things sorted for you. Looking forward to see you here (written by essencay)

In case your wondering....Bones and Crew are (Bones2112, Pictoratus, OldSapphire, Essencay, NightTrain and Knatzz)
on Aug 01, 2004
Does anyone have a specific system for getting the taskbar precisely a certain height, besides trial and error?
on Aug 01, 2004
Just trial and error. You gotta balance the quick launch button margins and the taskbar button margins until you are blue in the face.
on Aug 02, 2004
There is kinda a way.....but I have to go back to work...will get back to you...hehe
on Aug 02, 2004
I THINK the system is 24 or 27 pixels for the text(normal sized text),then subtract that from your taskbar graphic size and divide it up in a way that places the text in the center of your button....does that make sense?

Cover your bases by making quick launch and systray margins the same.
[Message Edited]
on Aug 02, 2004
Cover your bases by making quick launch and systray margins the same.

I better that way. I was thinking it may be graphic size minus text size = content margin thingers. Or something like that, but it didnt work out quite right.
on Aug 03, 2004
Oh yeah....that Skinartistry is a great bunch...
on Aug 06, 2004
in the start menu program areas, once you set it to use a mouseover image, the mouseover font color doesnt work anymore, it just stays the normal font color... is there a workaround for this?

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Aug 06, 2004
not that I'm aware of.
on Aug 06, 2004
I gave up a long time ago even trying. One idea though would be too have 2 different sized fonts to give the mouse over effect of zooming. Guess I will have to give it a try. Some skins would benefit immensely by being able to have a mouseover image and a custom font. hint hint. Oh crap, my capital h's aren't working here either. See> whaaaaaaaaa
on Aug 06, 2004
Other than the user name I haven't been able to get a custom font to work (other than changing the font color)
on Sep 17, 2004
If anyone is looking for help making wallpapers or wants some opinions as to the quality we now have a wallpaper section at for anyone interested. Everyone is welcome to upload and even better, give their opinion. Thats what it is there for. Pardon the spamming guys, we just want to raise the level of quality all around the community. Feel free to delete if it erks anyone. Just trying to help anyone that needs it. Not trying to step on WC's toes at all. Alot of WB skins gave bnenefited from the workshop, which in turn raises the level of quality here at WC. Old and new skinners are welcome. Even experienced skinners should run skins through to work out bugs.